Hi. I was playing with a LocalScript and it is having an error. Error: attempt to call a nil value on Line 28. I do not know why this is happening and any help would be appreciated! Script:
local getupvalue = (getupvalue or debug.getupvalue); local getmetatable = (debug.getmetatable or getrawmetatable); repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded(); local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LegoHacks/Utilities/main/UI.lua"))(); local players = game:GetService("Players"); local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"); local client = players.LocalPlayer; local variables, mainEnv, encrypt; do local banRemotes = { "AttemptTeleport"; "FireToDieInstantly"; "LandWithForceField"; "LoadString"; "FlyRequest"; "FinishTimeTrial"; "Under3Seconds"; "UpdateDunceList"; "HighCombo"; "r"; "t"; }; local nc; nc = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", newcclosure(function(self, ...) local args = {...}; local method = getnamecallmethod(); if (method == "FireServer" and table.find(banRemotes, self.Name)) then return; elseif (method == "FireServer" and self.Name == "SubmitCombo" and args[1] > 299) then args[1] = math.random(250, 299); --> Hudzell, please suck my cock :) end; return nc(self, unpack(args)); end)); local idx; idx = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", newcclosure(function(self, key) if (key == "PlaybackLoudness" and getfenv(2).script.Name == "RadioScript" and library.flags.audio_bypass) then return 0; end; return idx(self, key); end)); local function onCharacterAdded(char) if (not char) then return end; wait(1); local mainScript = client.Backpack:WaitForChild("Main"); variables = getupvalue(getsenv(mainScript).charJump, 1); variables.adminLevel = 13; getfenv().script = mainScript; mainEnv = getsenv(mainScript); encrypt = mainEnv.encrypt; if (library.flags.god_mode) then local antiFallField = Instance.new("ForceField"); antiFallField.Visible = false; antiFallField.Name = "joe"; antiFallField.Parent = char; end; end; onCharacterAdded(client.Character); client.CharacterAdded:Connect(onCharacterAdded); end; local moves = { "slide"; "dropdown"; "ledgegrab"; "edgejump"; "longjump"; "vault"; "wallrun"; "springboard"; }; local parkour = library:CreateWindow("Parkour"); parkour:AddToggle({ text = "Auto Farm"; flag = "auto_farm"; callback = function(enabled) if (not enabled) then return end; while library.flags.auto_farm do if (client.Backpack and client.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Main") and client.PlayerScripts:FindFirstChild("Points") and getsenv(client.Backpack.Main)) then local pointsEnv = getsenv(client.PlayerScripts.Points); pointsEnv.changeParkourRemoteParent(workspace); local scoreRemote = getupvalue(pointsEnv.changeParkourRemoteParent, 2); scoreRemote:FireServer(encrypt("walljump"), { [encrypt("walljumpDelta")] = encrypt(tostring(math.random(2.02, 3.55))); [encrypt("combo")] = encrypt(tostring(math.random(4, 5))); }); wait(0.4); scoreRemote:FireServer(encrypt(moves[math.random(1, #moves)]), { [encrypt("combo")] = encrypt(tostring(1)); }); wait(math.random(1.25, 1.35)); end; wait(); end; end; }); parkour:AddToggle({ text = "No Fall Damage"; flag = "god_mode"; callback = function(enabled) if (enabled) then if (client.Character and not client.Character:FindFirstChild("joe")) then --> I know who joe is. local antiFallField = Instance.new("ForceField"); antiFallField.Visible = false; antiFallField.Name = "joe"; antiFallField.Parent = client.Character; end; elseif (client.Character and client.Character:FindFirstChild("joe")) then client.Character.joe:Destroy(); end; end; }); parkour:AddToggle({ text = "Maxed Combo"; flag = "maxed_combo"; callback = function(enabled) if (not enabled) then return mainEnv.breakCombo(); end; replicatedStorage.UpdateCombo:FireServer(5); while library.flags.maxed_combo do variables.comboTime = math.huge variables.comboHealth = math.huge; variables.comboXp = math.huge; variables.comboLevel = 5; wait(); end; end; }); parkour:AddToggle({ text = "Always Flow"; flag = "always_flow"; callback = function(enabled) if (not enabled) then return end; while library.flags.always_flow do variables.flowActive = true; variables.flowDelta = 100; wait(); end; end; }); parkour:AddToggle({ text = "Audio Bypass"; flag = "audio_bypass"; }) parkour:AddToggle({ text = "No Cola Cooldown"; flag = "fast_cola"; callback = function(enabled) if (not enabled) then return end; while library.flags.fast_cola do variables.drinkingCola = false; wait(); end; end; }); parkour:AddToggle({ text = "Free Tricks Pass"; flag = "tricks_pass"; callback = function(enabled) if (not enabled) then return end; while library.flags.fast_cola do variables.hasTricksPass = false; wait(); end; end; }); parkour:AddToggle({ text = "Ear Rape"; flag = "ear_rape"; callback = function(enabled) if (not enabled) then return end; while library.flags.ear_rape do replicatedStorage.PlayCharacterSound:FireServer("DoorBust"); wait(); end; end; }); parkour:AddToggle({ text = "Slide Speed"; flag = "slide_speed_enabled"; callback = function(enabled) if (not enabled) then return end; while library.flags.slide_speed_enabled do variables.slidespeed = (library.flags.slide_speed or 0); wait(); end; end; }); parkour:AddSlider({ text = "Slide Speed"; flag = "slide_speed"; min = 0; max = 1000; }); parkour:AddToggle({ text = "Halloween"; flag = "halloween"; callback = function(enabled) replicatedStorage.IsHalloween.Value = enabled; end; }); parkour:AddButton({ text = "Unlock All Badges"; callback = function() for i, v in next, workspace:GetChildren() do if (v.Name ~= "BadgeAwarder" or not client.Character) then continue end; local part = v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Part"); firetouchinterest(client.Character.HumanoidRootPart, part, 1); firetouchinterest(client.Character.HumanoidRootPart, part, 0); end; end; }); parkour:AddButton({ text = "Discover all Spawns"; callback = function() for i, v in next, workspace:GetChildren() do if (not v:IsA("SpawnLocation") or v.Name == "SpawnLocation" or not client.Character) then continue end; client.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.CFrame + Vector3.new(0, 3, 0); wait(0.5); end; end; }); library:Init();