I was creating a tool, and i wanted to select certain parts of a model to make that, when i unequip it will wield onto your waist. Problem is that it turns the transparency of EVERY part, i only want **2 parts to be opaque (A Union and a part) And not to show the grip (Handle). Any help would be really greatful ! :)
PS : You don't have to worry about the other stuff, since it works just fine. This is a server script and is located in the ServerScriptService, ask me if you don't understand.
local radio = game.ServerStorage.Radio ---- Variables local radio_c = radio:Clone() local c_kids = radio_c:GetChildren game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) local RightWaistAttachment = Instance.new("Attachment") RightWaistAttachment.Name = "RightWaistAttachment" RightWaistAttachment.Position = Vector3.new(0.8,-0.6,-0.5) RightWaistAttachment.Parent = char.Torso local M6D = Instance.new("Motor6D") M6D.Name = "ToolGrip" M6D.Parent = char.Torso local Weld = Instance.new("Weld") Weld.Name = "Radio_Wield" Weld.Part0 = radio_c.PrimaryPart Weld.Part1 = char.Torso Weld.C0 = Weld.Part0.RightWaistAttachment.CFrame Weld.C1 = Weld.Part1.RightWaistAttachment.CFrame Weld.Parent = Weld.Part0 radio_c.Parent = workspace for k,Part in pairs(c_kids) do Part.Transparency = 1 end end) end) game.ReplicatedStorage.ConnectM6D.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, location) local char = plr.Character char.Torso.ToolGrip.Part0 = char.Torso char.Torso.ToolGrip.Part1 = location for k,Part in pairs(c_kids) do ---This Part.Transparency = 1 end end) game.ReplicatedStorage.DisconnectM6D.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr) plr.Character.Torso.ToolGrip.Part1 = nil for k,Part in pairs(c_kids) do --- And this Part.Transparency = 0 end end)
This is how I would actually do it
First of all we are going to count howmany childrens are there. Then create 2 variables that returns random numbers.
local model = model local totalPartCount = #model:GetChildren local selectedPart1 = math.random(1, totalPartCount) local selectedPart2 = math.random(1, totalPartCount)
Just incase if the random numbers are the same we add a number to the other one. Indentions are also off.
if selectedPart2 == selectedPart1 then selectedPart2 = selectedPart2 + 1 end
Next we set the part's transparency Please do note that I sort of forgot how to do this part here, but hopefully you get the idea, and I'm pretty much sure you can find the solution to it. Also you need to make the children named 1 - how many you habe. Of course this isn't really the best solution but hey
model[tostring(selectedPart1)].Transparency = 1 model[tostring(selectedPart2)].Transparency = 1