local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent local mouse = player:GetMouse() local part = game.Workspace.FollowPart local followPart = game.ReplicatedStorage.Part local e = mouse.Hit.p local f = true if f == false then part.Transparency = 1 end script.Parent.Activated:Connect(function() f = true if f == true then part.Transparency = 0.6 mouse.Move:Connect(function() part.CFrame = CFrame.new(mouse.Hit.p).lookVector() part.Size = followPart.Size part.BrickColor = followPart.BrickColor end) end end)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Players.bittyboy1234.Backpack.Tool.FollowPart:17: attempt to call a Vector3 value
its giving me this error from this line of code:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ part.CFrame = CFrame.new(mouse.Hit.p).lookVector()
how do I fix this?