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Game Pass privileges help (onClick function)?

Asked by 10 years ago

Hello. I am making a script where if you have the gamepass for the game then instead of the click going up by 1, it will go up by 3 instead. I can't currently test the script because I am not in my house. (My parents are out of town so I'm staying at my friends... using his computer which does not have ROBLOX Studio).

local pass = 182358984
local number = 0
local upgrade = 1

function Auth(player)
     return game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(player, pass)

     if Auth then
         local upgrade = 3
     number = number + upgrade
     script.Parent.Parent.Number.Text = number
Please test a script and be sure it has an error before you come posting here. :) Discern 1007 — 10y
I know but I can't test it. I'm truly sorry. I'm currently practicing my scripting and all my scripts for my game in yahoo notes. I'm very sorry. raystriker6707 30 — 10y

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