I've been up for a while trying to figure out how to give certain people an admin UI through a server event by being added or deleted from Player UIs. Please help me find out what's wrong here, there isn't an error in studio but in 2 player test servers it says that the UI isn't part of player.
Local Script:
local TextBox = script.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("PlayerSelectGui") local GiveUIEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.AdminFolder.AdminEvents:WaitForChild("GiveUI") local InsertedPlayer = TextBox.Text local LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() InsertedPlayer = TextBox.Text print(InsertedPlayer) GiveUIEvent:FireServer(InsertedPlayer) end)
Server Script:
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local AdminEvents = game.ReplicatedStorage.AdminFolder.AdminEvents local AdminGui = game.ReplicatedStorage.AdminFolder:WaitForChild("AdminGUI") AdminEvents.GiveUI.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, InsertedPlayer) plr = InsertedPlayer if (game.workspace:FindFirstChild(plr) ~= nil) then print("plr Found") if (game.workspace[plr]:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil) then print("plr Humanoid Found") if not (game.Players[plr].PlayerGui.AdminPanel) then local AdminPanel = AdminGui:Clone() AdminPanel.Name = "AdminPanel" AdminPanel.Parent = plr.PlayerGui AdminPanel.Enabled = true else print("Player has admin") end end end end)