local market = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local gamepass = 1185550709 local gamepass2 = 1185547854 local gamepass3 = 1185548489 local gamepass4 = 1185551014 local gamepass5 = 1185549327 market.ProcessReceipt = function(ReciptInfo) if ReciptInfo.ProductId == gamepass..gamepass2..gamepass3..gamepass4..gamepass5 then local player = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(ReciptInfo.PlayerId) game.ReplicatedStorage.GUI:FireAllClients(player) wait(5) print("fire") local nuke = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Nuke"):Clone() nuke.Parent = workspace wait(20) nuke:Destroy() return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted end end
It is a script in replicatedstorage
Two fullstops ..
are used to concantenate/join strings together. Like so:
print("2".."2") -- prints 22 print(gamepass..gamepass2..gamepass3..gamepass4..gamepass5) -- prints 11855507091185547854118554848911855510141185549327
You could use an or
if ReceiptInfo.ProductId == gamepass or ReceiptInfo.ProductId == gamepass2 or ReceiptInfo.ProductId == gamepass3 or ReceiptInfo.ProductId == gamepass4 or ReceiptInfo.ProductId == gamepass5 then -- do stuff end
Alternatively use a table, and the table.find() method:
table = { 1185550709, 1185547854, 1185548489, 1185551014, 1185549327 } if table.find(table, ReceiptInfo.ProductId) then -- do stuff end