Oh man oh man, that is interesting. It looks like you need to learn a new language - JavaScript. I don't really know much about this language yet I have some scripts with this language (it's a steam trading bot for team fortress 2. If you get it - you get it). I can't give a lot of tips here but I already worked with api for other website so I used JavaScript (bc it was in a tutorial video). There are some docs for roblox lua api requests here. I don't know if you can actually log in and make a bot act like a human but steam and the website I was working with were using some api to log in and do stuff there easily so you don't need to do some hacky stuff (in my case - trading with virtual items, making a bot's steam profile online, sending/responding to messages). I guess roblox just don't have such api for that, but like I said, it's a dark dark woods for me.
What I want to say - I am not good and don't listen to me like I know everything (spoilers. I don't). I don't think it is possible to make it on lua anywas, I know JavaScript and I, of course, will take JavaScript bc I know it and I know what is an api and how to work with them. Never worked with roblox api tho. But since you probably have never heard of such things... well... I don't know what to say. All I can say... try JavaScript... I think? You can also mess around with HttpService. I can't help much but yeah, my answer is HttpService and JavaScript.
P.s. I heard it is possible to actually script a bot to act like a human (go on websites, fill in user data), but captcha exists to it's not the greatest way to use a bot.