I'm working on a controllable, flying object, and with the way I'm making it, I need to find the orientation so I could find which way the object should move.
KeyDownEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player,key) if player.Character.Humanoid.Sit == true and script.Parent.Parent.Seat.Occupant.Parent.Name == player.Name then if key == "w" then if script.Parent.Orientation == Vector3.new(0,-45,180) or Vector3.new(0,-90,180) then print(script.Parent.Orientation) print("woohooo!") end end end
And for some reason, on Line 7 and Line 8, it stills prints the Orientation of the part, and "woohooo!". So if you know what is causing it and how to fix it, you are more than welcome to help me out!
Woohooo! After some fiddling around, I got it working by adding a variable of the position/rotation, then matching it with the orientation of the part!
local test = Vector3.new(0,-45,180)
KeyDownEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player,key) if player.Character.Humanoid.Sit == true and script.Parent.Parent.Seat.Occupant.Parent.Name == player.Name then
if key == "w" then if script.Parent.Orientation == test then print(script.Parent.Orientation) print("woohooo!") end end end
(the variable i added was in the Line 1)