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My gamepass won't give me an item in a shop when bought?

Asked by 3 years ago

So, before I tried preventing exploiters and using a different way of getting services instead of doing something like "game.Lighting" and instead "game:GetService("Lighting")" my gamepass used to give me a tool. What would happen is, you would go up to this shopkeeper get the gamepass tool and that's about it. Except it doesn't do that anymore, it still prints saying I have the gamepass every time I get the tool but it acts as if it doesn't fire the remote event and the server doesn't catch it. I honestly have no idea what to do so please help!

What's supposed to happen: You buy gamepass tool, if you had it. It would print saying "You have the gamepass" then the script would fire a remote event to a server script that's supposed to catch it and then give you the tool.

What happened instead: It would print that I had it but it didn't do anything else.

What seemed to cause this: Changing the scripts to instead use "game:GetService" instead of doing "game.Service" in order to prevent SOME exploiters. Plus good practice.

Local Buy Script

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local SoundService = game:GetService("SoundService")
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local ChaChing = script.ChaChing
local portid = 18564612


script.parent.SCoil.BuySpeedCoil.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- buying sc
end) -- Code ends

    player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed - 19 -- Minus your walkspeed

script.parent.TTracker.BuyTracker.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- Buying a FT
end) -- Code ends

script.parent.Flashlight.BuyFlash.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- Buying a FT
end) -- Code ends



    player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed - 25
    player.Character.Humanoid.JumpHeight = player.Character.Humanoid.JumpHeight - 5

    if MarketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, portid) then
        print("Player has Portable Shop gamepass!")
        MarketPlaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase(player, portid)
        print("Prompted player to buy portable shop gamepass.")

Normal Buy Script

local Items = game.StarterGui.CryptoShop.Items
local Replicate = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local ChaChing = Replicate.ChaChing
local portid = 18564612

-- There was more code like the one below but in order to stay below 10000 characters some code must be deleted.

Replicate.BuyHealingCoil.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) -- Buying a FT
    local CryptoShop = player.PlayerGui.CryptoShop
    local Healing = CryptoShop.Frame.HealingCoil
    local PlayerItems = player.Items
    local leaderstats = player.leaderstats
    if PlayerItems.RegenCoil.Value == 1 and Healing.BuyHealCoil.Text == "Buy for 20 Floors" then -- Checks if the player has reset and broke the gui, this resets it.
        Healing.BuyHealCoil.Text = "Unequip" -- Changing text to unequip
        Items.RegenCoil:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack
    if leaderstats.Floors.Value >= 20 and PlayerItems.RegenCoil.Value == 0 then -- Checks if you have enough to buy the tool
        Healing.BuyHealCoil.Text = "Unequip" -- Changing text to unequip
        PlayerItems.RegenCoil.Value = 1 -- Changes the value so that the game knows you own it
        Items.RegenCoil:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack -- Fires the nonlocal version of the script so you get the tool
    elseif leaderstats.Floors.Value <= 20 and PlayerItems.RegenCoil.Value == 0 then -- You don't have enough for the tool
        Healing.BuyHealCoil.Text = "Not Enough Floors" -- Says that you don't have enough
        wait(1.5) -- Waits so people can read the text
        Healing.BuyHealCoil.Text = "Buy for 20 Floors" -- Changes back to normal
    elseif Healing.BuyHealCoil.Text == "Unequip" then -- Checks if you have the weapon equipped and if you don't, runs the code below
        if player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("RegenCoil") then -- Looks for the tool in your backpack, if you have it then it runs the code below
            player.Backpack.RegenCoil:Destroy() -- Destroys the tool in your backpack
        else -- If the code above is false and tool isn't in your backpack then the code below is ran
            if player.Character:FindFirstChild("RegenCoil") then -- Checks for the tool in your hand, if you have then code below is ran. If not, the remotevent below is fired and then you can equip the tool again.
                player.Character.RegenCoil:Destroy() -- Destroys the tool in your hand
        end -- Fires the nonlocal version of the script to unequip your tool
        Healing.BuyHealCoil.Text = "Equip" -- Changes text
    elseif Healing.BuyHealCoil.Text == "Equip" then -- Checks if the text is Equip
        Healing.BuyHealCoil.Text = "Unequip" -- Turns text to Unequip
        Items.RegenCoil:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack -- Fires the nonlocal version of the script to equip your tool
end) -- Code ends

Replicate.BuyPort.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) -- Buying a FT
    local CryptoShop = player.PlayerGui.CryptoShop
    local Port = CryptoShop.Frame.PortShop
    local PlayerItems = player.Items
    local leaderstats = player.leaderstats
    if MarketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, portid) then
        if Port.BuyPortShop.Text == "Buy for 75 Robux" then
        Port.BuyPortShop.Text = "Unequip"
        Items.PortableShop:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack
        elseif Port.BuyPortShop.Text == "Unequip" then
        Port.BuyPortShop.Text = "Equip"
        if player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("PortableShop") then -- Looks for the tool in your backpack, if you have it then it runs the code below
            player.Backpack.PortableShop:Destroy() -- Destroys the tool in your backpack
        else -- If the code above is false and tool isn't in your backpack then the code below is ran
            if player.Character:FindFirstChild("PortableShop") then -- Checks for the tool in your hand, if you have then code below is ran. If not, the remotevent below is fired and then you can equip the tool again.
                player.Character.PortableShop:Destroy() -- Destroys the tool in your hand
    elseif Port.BuyPortShop.Text == "Equip" then
        Port.BuyPortShop.Text = "Unequip"
        Items.PortableShop:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack
        player:Kick("Please don't use exploits to get gamepass items for free, it ruins the game for other players that buy the gamepass fairly or don't have it. Please buy the gamepass if you wish to use the item. If you continue this, you may be banned.")
end) -- Code ends

    local CryptoShop = player.PlayerGui.CryptoShop
    local Ultra = CryptoShop.Frame.Ultra
    local PlayerItems = player.Items
    local leaderstats = player.leaderstats
    if PlayerItems.UltraCoil.Value == 1 and Ultra.BuyUltra.Text == "Buy for 200 Coins and 100 Floors" then -- Checks if the player has reset and broke the gui, this resets it.
        Ultra.BuyUltra.Text = "Unequip" -- Changing text to unequip
        Items.UltraCoil:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack
    if leaderstats.Floors.Value >= 50 and leaderstats.Coins.Value >= 200 and PlayerItems.UltraCoil.Value == 0 then -- Checks if you have enough to buy the tool
        Ultra.BuyUltra.Text = "Unequip" -- Changing text to unequip
        PlayerItems.UltraCoil.Value = 1 -- Changes the value so that the game knows you own it
        Items.UltraCoil:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack -- Fires the nonlocal version of the script so you get the tool
    elseif leaderstats.Floors.Value <= 50 and PlayerItems.UltraCoil.Value == 0 or leaderstats.Coins.Value <= 200 and PlayerItems.UltraCoil.Value == 0 then -- You don't have enough for the tool
        Ultra.BuyUltra.Text = "Not Enough Floors and Coins" -- Says that you don't have enough
        wait(1.5) -- Waits so people can read the text
        Ultra.BuyUltra.Text = "Buy for 200 Coins and 100 Floors" -- Changes back to normal
    elseif Ultra.BuyUltra.Text == "Unequip" then -- Checks if you have the weapon equipped and if you don't, runs the code below
        if player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("UltraCoil") then -- Looks for the tool in your backpack, if you have it then it runs the code below
            player.Backpack.UltraCoil:Destroy() -- Destroys the tool in your backpack
        else -- If the code above is false and tool isn't in your backpack then the code below is ran
            if player.Character:FindFirstChild("UltraCoil") then -- Checks for the tool in your hand, if you have then code below is ran. If not, the remotevent below is fired and then you can equip the tool again.
                player.Character.UltraCoil:Destroy() -- Destroys the tool in your hand
        end -- Fires the nonlocal version of the script to unequip your tool
        Ultra.BuyUltra.Text = "Equip" -- Changes text
    elseif Ultra.BuyUltra.Text == "Equip" then -- Checks if the text is Equip
        Ultra.BuyUltra.Text = "Unequip" -- Turns text to Unequip
        Items.UltraCoil:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack -- Fires the nonlocal version of the script to equip your tool
end) -- Code ends

1 answer

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Answered by 3 years ago

I found out the problem, in the actual game. I changed the button text to match the script text.


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