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Trying to create a ball socket constraint between two parts with a script, but it doesn't work?

Asked by
Nump4d 5
3 years ago
local dummy = game.Workspace.Dummy2 

if dummy then 
    local a0, a1 ="Attachment"),"Attachment")
    a0.Name = "Attachment0"
    a1.Name = "Attachment1"
    a0.CFrame = game.Workspace.BSJ.CFrame
    a1.CFrame = dummy.Torso.CFrame
    a0.Parent = dummy.Torso
    a1.Parent = game.Workspace.BSJ

    local b ="BallSocketConstraint")
    b.Attachment0 = a0
    b.Attachment1 = a1
    b.Parent = dummy.Torso

Here is my code. I am attempting to weld a part in workspace to the torso of an NPC. When I test the script, the ball socket and both attachments are at the same position in the workspace and are not in the torso nor the part.

Both attachments have to be in the same position. If they aren't then one of them will move to the other's position. radiant_Light203 1166 — 3y

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