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'Attempt to index boolean with 'Cost"?

Asked by 3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

I am making a shop for my simulator and I have this error: ' attempt to index boolean with 'Cost' '

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local thisData = RS:WaitForChild('GetCacheData'):InvokeServer('Foods', script.Parent.Name)

    assert(thisData ~= nil, "NO DATA FOUND FOR "..script.Parent.Name)

    script.Parent.Parent.SelectedItemFrame.Name.Text = thisData.Name --This is the line with the error
    script.Parent.Parent.SelectedItemFrame.Price.Text = "$"..thisData.Cost -- This one also gives the error

This is the second script:

local remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild('GetCacheData')
local storage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Cache = require(storage:WaitForChild('CacheData'))
local timeout = 5
local logged = {}

remote.OnServerInvoke = function(player, kind, ...)
    if not player or not kind then return false end
    if tick()-(logged[player.UserId] or 0) < timeout then return false end
    local thisCache = Cache[kind]

    if #{...} < 1 then return thisCache end
    for _, k in pairs({...}) do
        thisCache = thisCache[k] or thisCache

    logged[player.UserId] = tick()
    return thisCache

And this is the script with all of the data:

return {
    Foods = {
        Apple = {
            Name = 'Apple',
            id = 1,
            Weight = 5,
            Cost = 0,
        Burger = {
            Name = 'Burger',
            id = 4,
            Weight = 500,
            Cost = 2000,
        ChocolateBar = {
            Name = 'ChocolateBar',
            id = 2,
            Weight = 20,
            Cost = 150,
        Fries = {
            Name = 'Fries',
            id = 6,
            Weight = 3000,
            Cost = 25000,
        Pizza = {
            Name = 'Pizza',
            id = 5,
            Weight = 1250,
            Cost = 10000,
        Sandwich = {
            Name = 'Sandwich',
            id = 3,
            Weight = 35,
            Cost = 400,
        Steak = {
            Name = 'Steak',
            id = 8,
            Weight = 8000,
            Cost = 2000000,
        Taco = {
            Name = 'Taco',
            id = 7,
            Weight = 4500,
            Cost = 60000,
    Bags = {
        SmallPicnicBack = {
            Name = "Small Picnic Back",
            id = 9,
            Capacity = 15,
            Cost = 0,
        RegularBag = {
            Name = "Regular Bag",
            id = 10,
            Capacity = 30,
            Cost = 100,
        LargeBag = {
            Name = "Large Bag",
            id = 11,
            Capacity = 50,
            Cost = 275,
        Backpack = {
            Name = "Backpack",
            id = 12,
            Capacity = 80,
            Cost = 500,
        Suitcase = {
            Name = "Suitcase",
            id = 13,
            Capacity = 130,
            Cost = 925,
Is the variable "thisdata" a boolean? Littlebigplanet40000 77 — 3y
My cousin made the scripts and won't respond to me asking the same question, so idk Scryptol 2 — 3y

1 answer

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Answered by 3 years ago

You could try thisData["Cost"] and thisData ["Name"] instead? It shouldn't really make a difference but it's worth a try!


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