Well I'm making a game which involves boats. I've made them and they float on the roblox water just they dont move. Which isnt very helpful...
I've tried edditing the results you get when typing Rc boat - None of these worked, they just broke it. I've tried vehicle seats on the boat, with one on land and done this:
a = script.Parent.VehicleSeat2 b = script.Parent.VehicleSeat1 while true do wait (0.1) b.Throttle = a.Throttle end
and the other
a = script.Parent.VehicleSeat2 b = script.Parent.VehicleSeat1 while true do wait (0.1) b.Steer = a.Steer end
Which was from the free models found, But it didnt work. If anyone could give me a hand, it would be much appreciated. (Could be in either vehicle seat form on GUI if giving me a hand) Thank you in advance :)
You need some kind of 'fins' that propel the boat in the water. They will act as wheels, and you can make them invisible. I actually made one a while back. Click here.