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How do I make Roblox's normal Drooling Zombie not attack each other?

Asked by 2 years ago

I'm making a Zombie wave game and i have been having some trouble. I've seen other people ask this question but nothing I saw seemed helpful. I am a very bad scripter so actually scripting them to stop would be extremely hard. This is the zombie command if you can help.

local zombie = script.Parent

for _, script in pairs(zombie.ModuleScripts:GetChildren()) do if not game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(script.Name) then script:Clone().Parent = game.ServerStorage end end

local AI = require(game.ServerStorage.ROBLOX_ZombieAI).new(zombie) local DestroyService = require(game.ServerStorage.ROBLOX_DestroyService)

local function clearParts(parent) for _, part in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do clearParts(part) end local delay if parent:IsA("Part") then delay = math.random(5,10) else delay = 11 end DestroyService:AddItem(parent, delay) end

zombie.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() AI.Stop() math.randomseed(tick()) clearParts(zombie) script.Disabled = true end)

local lastMoan = os.time() math.randomseed(os.time()) while true do local animationTrack = zombie.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(zombie.Animations.Arms) animationTrack:Play() -- local now = os.time() -- if now - lastMoan > 5 then
-- if math.random() > .3 then -- zombie.Moan:Play() ---- print("playing moan") -- lastMoan = now -- end -- end wait(2) end

When I Change the name of the "Humanoid" inside of the zombie to "Zombie" The Drooling Zombie's AI broke KingDoge_564 0 — 2y

1 answer

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Answered by 2 years ago

Change the name of the "Humanoid" inside of the zombie to "Zombie"

thanks so much! KingDoge_564 0 — 2y
Well now the Zombie AI isnt working. KingDoge_564 0 — 2y
Its not hard to fix. This post doesn't have enough information and I cannot help. NotFrindow 346 — 2y

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