Heya, I'm trying to make a loading screen and want to link 2 variables together like linking one script's random generated number to another script.
math1 = math.random(3,5) math2 = math.random(2,4) math3 = math.random(4,6) script.Parent.Visible = false script.Parent.Text = "Establishing network connection to server..." wait(0.01) script.Parent.Visible = true script.Parent.Text = "Establishing network connection to server..." wait(math1) script.Parent.Text = "Verifying resources..." repeat wait(3) until game:IsLoaded() script.Parent.Text = "Precaching resources..." wait(math3) script.Parent.Text = "Parsing game info..." wait(0.07)
I want to transfer this script's math variables to another script. Can anyone help me with this?