I would like to know how to shutdown a specific Roblox server using scripting.
for x = 1,15,1 do --make it constantly kick whoever rejoins for 15 seconds to ensure that nobody else is inside the server. You don't have to do this but its more safe. Correct me if i'm wrong or if there is a more efficient method for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do wait() v:Kick("server shutdown") end wait(1) if #(game.Players:GetPlayers()) == 0 then break end --Again, not needed, but I like to add it in end
Actually, you can just do this, however there is a risk of players rejoining the server or new players joining causing the server to not actually shut down
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do wait() v:Kick("server shutdown") end