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Receiving a Model from in-game, not library?

Asked by
cboyce1 40
10 years ago

I know this doesn't have any code in it (I'm on Mobile), but how would I go about being able to buy or take a model from inside the game, and not making it available outside of the game?

Thanks, cboyce1

What do you mean by this? BlueTaslem 18071 — 10y
It's kind of hard to explain. You know how you get models from the library? I was wondering if you could link the library to a game so you can get the model from your game cboyce1 40 — 10y
Use the toolbox I think if you're asking about that Adryin 120 — 10y
No, it's the toolbox but in reverse cboyce1 40 — 10y
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He wants to utilize insert service to spawn models into his game. M39a9am3R 3210 — 10y
Ugh, no! I want people to buy my model from the game for use outside of the game!!!! cboyce1 40 — 10y

1 answer

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Answered by
Kyokamii 133
10 years ago

Insert this script:

--The website is called: Scriptinghelpers. 
--So next time, make sure your question is about scripts!
Yep, I understand. I was going to put up a script when I got on the computer cboyce1 40 — 10y
Why do I have 2 downvotes? Kyokamii 133 — 10y
Im bad. -16. Gonna be hard to get back up to 0 Kyokamii 133 — 10y

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