Why does my timer not always work?
I have a script that controls an 'IntValue' as if it were a timer. This Timer is in 'ReplicatedStorage' under a 'Configuration'. When the timer hits zero, it is supposed to fire a 'BindableEvent' as well as a 'RemoteEvent'. However, for some reason, at seemingly random times, the 'scripts' that rely upon those 'Bindable' and 'Remote' 'events' freeze. They just don't execute the code they are supposed to when the timer goes off. This happens maybe 10% of the time.
Here is my 'script' that controls the Timer:
01 | local timerDebounce = false |
03 | game.ReplicatedStorage.GameInformation.Timer.Changed:connect( function (val) |
04 | if timerDebounce then return end |
08 | game.ServerStorage.GameEvents.TimerEnded:Fire() |
09 | game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.TimerEnded:FireAllClients() |
18 | game.ReplicatedStorage.GameInformation.Timer.Value = val |