I have a return but the code still works with or without it. I needed this function to work with a return.
--Random price generator local function randomPriceGenerator(carPriceArray) while priceRndGeneratorCount < 3 do local rnd = Random.new() local price = rnd:NextInteger(1,3) -- Generate a random number between 1 and 3 --Add price to the array table.insert(carPriceArray, price) priceRndGeneratorCount = priceRndGeneratorCount + 1 end return carPriceArray --Return to value/s the carPriceArray end --Price Array local carPriceArray = {} --Calling the randomgenerator function randomPriceGenerator(carPriceArray) -- Price and name of the cars array local carsInfo = { ["CarOneName"] = "Car 1", ["CarOnePrice"] = carPriceArray[1], --Retrieve price from carPriceArray ["CarTwoName"] = "Car 2", ["CarTwoPrice"] = carPriceArray[2], --Retrieve price from carPriceArray ["CarThreeName"] = "Car 3", ["CarThreePrice"] = carPriceArray[3] --Retrieve price from carPriceArray }