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How do I make camera movements?

Asked by 10 years ago

I am clueless about this... I looked it up, nothing, I looked on ROBLOX Wiki, nothing... Any help?

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Answered by 10 years ago

You change the camera's CoordinateFrame:

workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame =, 5, 5)

If you want to position the camera a certain way using a script, do this:

Step 1: In Studio edit mode, position the camera in any way you want.

Step 2: Open the command bar and type "print(workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame)" (remove quotes). Copy whatever comes in the output.

Step 3: In the script, when you need the camera to be positioned, use this code:

workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame = you copied in the output, you may have to edit it to remove symbols)

And that's that! Hope this helped!

For smooth camera tweening, Perci1 4988 — 10y
True. I was talking about initially positioning the camera and finding its current position bobafett3544 198 — 10y

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