local marketservice = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local can = true repeat wait() until player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") local leader = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") if leader then repeat wait() until leader:FindFirstChild(script:WaitForChild("Currency").Value) local currency = leader:FindFirstChild(script:WaitForChild("Currency").Value) if currency then local folder = Instance.new("Folder",player) folder.Name = "2xGamepass" local oldmoney = Instance.new("IntValue",folder) oldmoney.Name = "OldMoney" oldmoney.Value = currency.Value local give2x = Instance.new("IntValue",folder) give2x.Name = "Give2x" give2x.Value = 0 currency.Changed:Connect(function() if marketservice:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, script:WaitForChild("GamepassId").Value) then if can == true then can = false if currency.Value > oldmoney.Value then give2x.Value = currency.Value - oldmoney.Value currency.Value = currency.Value + give2x.Value oldmoney.Value = currency.Value can = true else oldmoney.Value = currency.Value can = true end end else oldmoney.Value = currency.Value end end) end end
Everytimee when you leave and rejoin, your kills multiplies, then you keep getting2x the coins every kill you get, pls help me.
If the gamepass only intends to give you 2x kills once, you will need to set up a datastore to check if its been done. If you need the kills and 2x coins to only be active once, look into developer products.