------- game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Player) print("Saving data..") local sidestats = Player:WaitForChild("sidestats") local leaderstats = Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats") --- local stage = leaderstats:WaitForChild("Stage") store:SetAsync(Player.UserId.."Stage",stage.Value) print("Stage Saved") --- local prestige = sidestats:WaitForChild("Prestige") store:SetAsync(Player.UserId.."Prestige",prestige.Value) print("Prestige Saved") --- local coins = sidestats:WaitForChild("Coins") store:SetAsync(Player.UserId.."Coins",coins.Value) print("Coins Saved") --- local pet = sidestats:WaitForChild("PlayerPet") store:SetAsync(Player.UserId.."PlayerPet",pet.Value) print("Pet Saved") --- end) -------
None of this data is saving?
Check out https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/DataModel/BindToClose - you want to make sure that when the last player leaves a server, that the server won't close without first saving their data.
If you intend to do the final save in PlayerRemoving instead of BindToClose as the link above shows, you will still need a BindToClose that waits until all saving is complete - the easiest way is to use a variable to keep track of how many threads are still saving and wait()
until that's done:
local savingThreads = 0 game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Player) savingThreads += 1 -- rest of your function here savingThreads -= 1 end) game:BindToClose(function() repeat wait() until savingThreads == 0 end)
local leaderstats = Player.sidestats.leaderstats
)I figured it out. It was due to me running it in studio
game:BindToClose(function() if RunService:IsStudio() then wait(3) end end)
I added this and it works now.