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Interaction Studio/Game error (Why will a script work in Studio but not in the game?)

Asked by 2 years ago

So I've been working on an Interaction system. It works perfectly in Studio but not in the Game. I've checked the script multiple times and I'm not seeing any errors, plus nothing comes up on the output after the print lines. Here's my script:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer --Local Player
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") --UserInputService
local val = player.InterObject --ObjectValue to determine what we're interacting with
local SEvent = workspace.ScriptEventService.ChangeServerSide --A RemoteEvent used by Client to change something on the Server
local InterGui = script.Parent.Parent.InteractGui --The InteractGui
local F = Enum.KeyCode.F --F Keybind
local G = Enum.KeyCode.G --G Keybind
local E = Enum.KeyCode.E --E Keybind
local InterKey = nil --Current key being held
local Scoped = false --Determines whether player is in ADS with gun
local KnockingOut = false --Determines if a player is knocking out NPC
local holdingWeapon = false --Checks if Player is holding weapon
local currentWeaponType = nil --Primary/Secondary weapon

--Interaction Main
UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) --Begin Input
    if player.Interacting.Value == false then --Makes sure player is not interacting with anything else
        if val.Value ~= nil then --Makes sure the val is not empty
            if val.Value.Parent.Name == "OutterCamera" then --Makes sure we're interacting with the right object
                if val.Value.Parent.Broken.Value == false then --Makes sure this cam isn't already broken
                    if input.KeyCode == F then --Checks Client is holding F
                        SEvent:FireServer(player.Interacting, "Value", true) --Set Interacting.Value to true
                        wait(0.1) --Delay
                        InterKey = F --Set InterKey
                        SEvent:FireServer(player.PlayerGui.MainStats.Status, "Text", "Suspicious")
                        SEvent:FireServer(player.PlayerGui.MainStats.Status, "TextColor3", Color3.fromRGB(170, 0, 0))
                        local num = 0
                            num = num +1 --Add a num
                            InterGui.F["Block"..num].Visible = true --Make Progress Bar fill
                            wait(0.05) --Delay
                        until num >= 100 or player.Interacting.Value == false or (player.InterObject.Value.Position - player.Character.Head.Position).Magnitude >= 5 --Finish conditions
                        if num >= 100 then
                            print("Interaction Complete")
                        elseif player.Interacting.Value == false then
                            print("Stopped Interaction")
                        elseif (player.InterObject.Value.Position - player.Character.Head.Position).Magnitude >= 7.75 then
                            print("Too far away")
                        --I got more of the important stuff around here, don't worry about them. I just need help with these lines

Does anybody have any idea what's wrong with it? Help would be greatly appreciated

Have you tried using breakpoints to see where your script stops? COUNTYL1MITS 312 — 2y
Yep JB_SuperGamer 165 — 2y

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