Hi, I made a masking image script today and I need help
The problem is.. I want to set my ImageLabel's Size into {1,0,1,0} which is it's parents size, but if I do that my ImageLabel will not mask because it follows it's parents size however if I use offset it masks perfectly.
I can send a video of it not working
i think I have a solution for your awnser. I use this plugin called "Rescale GUI", here is this link: https://web.roblox.com/library/2119567183/Personal-GUI-Rescaler?Category=Plugins&SortType=Relevance&SortAggregation=AllTime&SearchKeyword=GUI+Rescaler&CreatorId=0&Page=1&Position=15&SearchId=6b85bb3a-41ee-4499-a225-37dc5dc6c028
This rescales the gui that you selected, so that it fits ALL devices.