What I'm looking for this script to do is allow the people in the "Allowed" table to join the server, but if they're not on the table, their game auto shuts down, but it seems to be kicking everyone, including the Allowed table. Anyone know what I did wrong?
It seems that adding more to the Allowed table breaks it, but I thought you could add more?
Allowed = {"Exbryst"} game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(player) for _,v in pairs (Allowed) do if player.Name:lower() == v:lower() then print("Allowed in.") else player:Kick() end end end)
This will work, if there is only one player in the allowed list.
Consider there are two names, A, and B.
Your script will do something like this.
What's the trouble?
What about player B? When they join, they aren't player A, and will be kicked.
We want them to match any one, not all of them.
Here's two (more or less equivalent) ways to do that:
Allowed = {"Exbryst"} game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(player) for _,v in pairs (Allowed) do if player.Name:lower() == v:lower() then print("Allowed in.") return -- Flee before being kicked! end end player:Kick() -- Wasn't found in the cool-kids list end)
Allowed = {"Exbryst"} game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(player) coolKid = false -- So far, not a cool kid. for _,v in pairs (Allowed) do if player.Name:lower() == v:lower() then print("Allowed in.") coolKid = true -- We now know they're a cool-kid end end if not coolKid then player:Kick() -- Wasn't found in the cool-kids list end end)
Also, Tkdriverx is right, you should probably use PlayerAdded
, though that also won't be necessary.