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All tools of the same name are deleted once you die with one tool?

Asked by 3 years ago

So I have multiple copies of the same tool in the workspace for counting, and the problem is that whenever the player dies with one tool, all the other copies of the tool are deleted too. Any way to fix this?

if the tool is getting deleted is it inside the inventory? another question does it have any script inside show it to us. acediamondn123 147 — 3y
The tool is in the inventory, but all the other tools that are not in the inventory are deleted when the player dies, and the script is here: ChisomAnimations 0 — 3y
local club = script.Parent local equipped = false local Ball = workspace:WaitForChild("Ball") club.Equipped:Connect(function() local BallPosCurrent = Ball.Position Ball.Anchored = false Ball.Position = BallPosCurrent end) club.Unequipped:Connect(function() Ball.Anchored = true end) Ball.Parent.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(Obj) if Obj == Ball then wait(3.1) local currentparent = script.Pa ChisomAnimations 0 — 3y

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