How do I design/script a gun? I see a lot of people designing them but how do they? All the little parts in it and everything. and scripting it too.
I don't care if there are no links. I just like answers ;)
People often build guns large and script them down and scale them. Design isn't something that can necessarily be taught...
Making a gun is a bit too extensive for one answer, so check this link out from the Wiki.
This is by far the best reference (that I know of) on how to make a fully functioning gun using raycasting.
You build the gun in a large size to start with, then you use a minimap script which you can get from free models and it resizes it to a normal weapon size.
After that, add weld scripts, put it into a tool, then go on Play Solo, then change the way your character is holding it.
For the scripts, here is an example of a basic one.
This video is a good resource for how to make a simple gun. When you design it, you could expand on it unlike what he did on the video.
Also, look in the description of the video to see a template that has the firing code in it. With some more research, you could take it further.
dude... do research... I usually edit scripts, thats how I learn... sometimes I look at wiki...
Check out the LuaLearners tutorial on How to Make a Gun.
Also, as nate said, you could check out the Wiki's tutorial on making a gun.
-Thank me by accepting this answer/bumping up my reputation!
Lualearners tutorial.
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