a Newbie Q:
The following code runs without any errors however the "SecretAgent" doesn't walk towards the "Part" object (it stays at the same place):
print("Start") wait(2) pos = game.Workspace.Part.Position game.Workspace.SecretAgent.Humanoid:MoveTo(Vector3.new(10,0,100), game.Workspace.Part) print("End")
and this also does nothing:
print("Start") wait(2) game.Workspace.SecretAgent.Humanoid:MoveTo(game.Workspace.Part.Position, game.Workspace.Part) print("End")
if i remove the Humanoid
then "SecretAgent"moves there immediately teloporting instead of walking there..
print("Start") wait(2) game.Workspace.SecretAgent:MoveTo(game.Workspace.Part.Position, game.Workspace.Part) print("End")
Any thoughts? this drives me mad :)
Thank you all in advance!
OK! found the problem, the NPC i had used didnt support Humanoid
one i've used a different NPC all works.