I'm getting the error Players.Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Dollars.TextLabel.Script:39: attempt to index local 'playerData' (a number value)
online 39
. Why is this?
plr = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent dollarstheyhave = 0 notLead = Instance.new('Model', plr) notLead.Name = 'notleaderstats' doll = Instance.new('NumberValue', notLead) doll.Name = 'Dollars' doll.Value = dollarstheyhave ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ plr:WaitForChild('notleaderstats').Dollars.Changed:connect(function() changetext(tostring(plr.notleaderstats.Dollars.Value)) update(plr) end) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function changetext(msg) script.Parent.Text = msg end ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore('Dollars') function update(player) local playerIdentity = player.Name .. '(' .. player.userId .. ')' --Makes identity local playerKey = 'player_' .. player.userId --Makes key local playerData = ds:GetAsync(playerKey) --gets datastore for i,v in pairs (ds:GetChildren()) do print(v) end if playerData then if playerData.Amount <= 0 then --FIX THIS: ERROR SAYS ARGUMENT 2 IS MISSING OR NIL WHICH MEANS WE NEED TO FIX THE playerData.personalPlaceId PART playerData = nil end end if not playerData then --ADD TUTORIAL THING playerData = { Amount = 10 } ds:SetAsync(playerKey, playerData) end if playerData and playerData.personalPlaceId then dollarstheyhave = playerData end end