Working on something to create shadows (the details don't matter to much so I won't post them) but long story short I am trying to get a list of all bricks touching the physical shadow without counting bricks that are also shadows, and every time during the list it counts "nil" as part of the list
Heres the code if that helps
local brickstouching = shadow:GetTouchingParts() print("printing list") for i=1,#brickstouching do print(brickstouching[i]) if brickstouching[i].Name == "PhysicalShadow" or brickstouching[i].Name == "shadowunionbrick" then table.remove(brickstouching,i) end end
Hello! I went ahead and changed the for loop, but I am unsure if the code will work for your situation. Attached is what I came up with, so let me know if you have any errors in the output!
local brickstouching = script.Parent:GetTouchingParts() for i, part in ipairs(brickstouching) do print(part) if part.Name == "PhysicalShadow" or part.Name == "shadowunionbrick" then table.remove(brickstouching,i) end end