Supposedly simple, just duplicate the model of a player who enters. Need some help with the script, basically. I get no errors, I've checked through the script multiple times and after experimenting with it this is the final product before I gave up. I need some help, what did I do wrong? Is there an easier way to do this? Thank you.
function cloneman() wait(3) local plr = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i = 1, #plr do local plradd= plr[i] if (plradd.className == "Model") and (plradd.Name == "Player") then local plr2 = plradd:Clone() plr2.Parent = game.Workspace end end end
You can't clone characters because their Archivable settings are set to false, meaning that the script will return nil when it tries to clone or copy it.
Although, you can work around it by manually a model with the same body parts, the same hats, the same body mesh package, the same hats, the same clothes, the same body colors, etc. as the given character.