I've tried and tried to be able to insert a damage check that makes sure that the knife doesn't do any damage to players but I just can't get it to work. Please help.
Thank you!
(R15 Knife Works script)
local parent = script.Parent local Handle = parent:WaitForChild("Handle") local Creator = parent:WaitForChild("Creator") CanDmg = false Can = true parent.Equipped:Connect(function() Handle.Equip:Play() if Creator.Value == nil then Creator.Value = parent.Parent end end) parent.Unequipped:Connect(function() Handle.UnEquip:Play() end) repeat wait() until Creator.Value ~= nil parent.Activated:Connect(function() if Handle.Transparency == 1 then return end function slash() print("hip") local creator = Creator.Value local Animations = parent:WaitForChild("Animations") local AnimChild = Animations:GetChildren() local AnimRad = math.random(1,#AnimChild) local AnimSel = AnimChild[AnimRad] local AP = creator:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(AnimSel) if Can == true then Can = false AP:Play() wait(0.15) CanDmg = true Handle.Swing:Play() Handle.SlashTrail.Enabled = true wait(0.25) CanDmg = false Handle.SlashTrail.Enabled = false wait(0.06) Can = true end end slash() end) function on(t) local h = t.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if h ~= nil and CanDmg == true then CanDmg = false local cre = Creator.Value h:TakeDamage(parent.Dmg.Value) Handle.Swing:Stop() Handle.Hit:Play() if h.Health>0 then if not h:FindFirstChild("creator") then local ov = Instance.new("ObjectValue",h) ov.Name = "creator" ov.Value = game.Players:WaitForChild(cre.Name) else local ovs = h:GetChildren() for i = 1,#ovs do if (ovs[i].Name == "creator") then ovs[i].Value = game.Players:WaitForChild(cre.Name) end end end end end end Handle.Touched:Connect(on)
h:TakeDamage(not game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(h.Parent)and parent.Dmg.Value or 0)
Rename the NPC humanoid name to something that cant be confused with the players' humanoid.
local Knife = game.Workspace.Knife Knife.Touched:Connect(function(p) if p.Parent:FindFirstChild("NPCHumanoid") then p.Parent.NPCHumanoid:TakeDamage(25) end end)
That way if the knife does touch a player it wont damage the player because the players' humanoid wont be detected.