How can I make sound play on custom range?
Make a song in workspace called Sound. Make sure it doesn't run at start and is Pitch 1.
I actually don't know, but... The best is to, make hidden parts, and put the sound into each player's PlayerGui using this simple localscript in StarterGui:
local Player = game:service('Players').LocalPlayer local Song = game:service('Workspace'):findFirstChild('Sound'):Clone() Song.Parent=Player.PlayerGui Song:Play()
Now, this is the script (Normal one) you put inside the 'ghost walls' you made:
script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(part) if part.Parent:findFirstChild('Humanoid')~=nil then local Pl = game:service('Players'):GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.parent) if (Pl~=nil) then Pl.PlayerGui.Sound:Destroy() end end end)
Hope this helps! If not tell output! If it helps and works please make this correct answer :333 ~marcoantoniosantos3
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