local healingpad = script.Parent ---Healing Pad local Green = Color3.fromRGB(96, 255, 99) ---Color Green local Red = Color3.fromRGB(255,53,53) ---Color Red local coolDown = 5 ---Cooldown Time local debounce = false function heal (hit) if debounce then return end if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then print("health") print(hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health) hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health += 25 debounce = true wait(coolDown) debounce = false end end healingpad.Touched:Connect(heal)
I made this healing script but it doesn't work. Idk why though.
Nothing wrong with your script. But you're most likely setting the health to 1 on the client while testing it. Switch to server and set the health before you test the script.