Hey. I am attempting to make my first obby and I now have 4 stages with save points. On the first stage I have strips of parts with fire on them. If the player falls off than they spawn back at stage one but they get 5 seconds (or so, I don't actually how long exactly) of invincibility and by then they can run across the stage without a scratch. I was wondering if there was a simple way to remove this. I have barely any experience with scripting and this really is annoying. I will answer any questions as soon as possible.
Really hope you can help, jjjjjj7257
Change the property in the SpawnLocation you got, the property is called "ForceFieldDuration", its basic value is 10. Change 10, to 0. If you don't have a spawn location (idk why you would not have one), insert one via:
Insert (top bar in roblox studio)--> Advanced Objects (is in the insert bar) --> CTRL + i (search) --> Type "Spawn" (without "")--> Double click on "SpawnLocation".
Change the property of that spawnLocation's ForceFieldDuration, to 0, and you're done.
If you dont have Explorer & Properties open, go to "View", then Highlight: Explorer & Properties