Hey there! Im currently having trouble figuring out how to make my ambient shift look more fluid instead of instantly becoming purple. If anyone has any tips or code I'd very much appreciate it! Sorry for messy code, I'm not very good with this! Thanks!
MinutesPerSecond = 2 RealisticDarkness = true --make tha game dark if RealisticDarkness == true then for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ColorCorrectionEffect") and v.Enabled == true then Color = v break end end if Color == nil then Color = Instance.new("ColorCorrectionEffect",game.Lighting) --makes cc effect end end while wait(0.05) do MinsAfterMid = game.Lighting:GetMinutesAfterMidnight() game.Lighting:SetMinutesAfterMidnight(MinsAfterMid+MinutesPerSecond*0.05) if RealisticDarkness == true then if MinsAfterMid >= 1080 or MinsAfterMid <= 360 then MinsPastSix = MinsAfterMid-1080 if MinsPastSix < 0 then MinsPastSix = 360+MinsAfterMid end if MinsPastSix <= 180 then Color.Brightness = MinsPastSix/180*-0.2 Color.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB (192, 44, 255) --making ambient purple elseif MinsPastSix >= 540 then Color.Brightness = -(0.8-MinsPastSix/180*0.2) Color.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB (144, 144, 144) --daytime else Color.Brightness = -0.2 Color.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB (192, 44, 255) end end end end
hey, I don't have experience with lighting so this code may be incorrect, but I'm fairly certain the general concept will have to be loop that changes the rgb values overtime. I found a nice looking method on the Color3 documentation called Color3:lerp()
local function shiftTint(rgbStart, rgbEnd, time) for alpha = 0, 1, 1 / (time * 10) do Color.TintColor = rgbStart:lerp(rgbEnd, alpha) wait(0.1) end end
will be the transition time in seconds. I haven't tested it so let me know if there's a problem
edit: PS, you should be using local when declaring variables even on the outside, it's neater :)
edit 2: from what I see, your brightness is dependent on time while your color is not, so it seems wasteful to create a new color every time. what I would do is make a variable that shows the time of day. every loop, you will check the time passed, and once it reaches your threshold, change that value to something like "night", "day", etc. this has the bonus of making it easier to understand.
if your time was in fact changed, this is where you run that function I gave you earlier, using the current tint and the new tint.
after all that, calculate your brightness like you did already, depending on the time of day. I would make an object to organize the data for each time of day. here's what I would do. (remember, haven't used lighting before so I can't optimize everything :) )
function shiftTint(rgbStart, rgbEnd, time) for alpha = 0, 1, 1 / (time * 10) do Color.TintColor = rgbStart:lerp(rgbEnd, alpha) wait(0.1) end end local Settings = { Night = { Tint = Color3.fromRGB (192, 44, 255), Brightness = function(t) return t / 180 * -0.2 end }, Day = { Tint = Color.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB (144, 144, 144), Brightness = function(t) return -(0.8 - t / 180 * 0.2) end }, Default = { Tint = Color3.fromRGB (192, 44, 255), Brightness = function(t) return -0.2 end } } local setting = Settings.Default local LOOPTIME = 0.05 local MINS_PER_DAY = 60 * 24 local time = game.Lighting:GetMinutesAfterMidnight() while true do -- now you only need to get the time once; the old time is added to and reused time = (time + minutesPerSecond * LOOPTIME) % MINS_PER_DAY game.Lighting:SetMinutesAfterMidnight(time) if RealisticDarkness == true and (time >= 1080 or time <= 360) then minsPastSix = time - 1080 if minsPastSix < 0 then minsPastSix = 360 + time end local newSetting -- decide the current setting if minsPastSix <= 180 then newSetting = Settings.Night elseif MinsPastSix >= 540 then newSetting = Settings.Day else newSetting = Settings.Default end if setting ~= newSetting then -- transition the color if changed shiftTint(setting.Tint, newSetting.Tint, 3) setting = newSetting end Color.Brightness = setting.Brightness(time) -- adjsut brightness end wait(LOOPTIME) end
also, I think that the people in the comments had a better solution that I did. tweenservice is built for smooth transitions, and I expect it works on color too (I didn't know that when I posted). my solution is a bit hackier, so I suggest you look into tweenservice as well :)