tested it many times, only "UNSTABLE" works WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE SCRIPT
while true do wait(0.1) if game.ServerStorage.Temperature.Value <= 250 then script.Parent.Reader.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.0431373, 1, 0.0431373) script.Parent.Reader.Text = "STABLE" elseif game.ServerStorage.Temperature.Value <= -250 then script.Parent.Reader.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.0588235, 0.435294, 1) script.Parent.Reader.Text = "COLD" elseif game.ServerStorage.Temperature.Value >= 250 then script.Parent.Reader.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.972549, 0.12549) script.Parent.Reader.Text = "UNSTABLE" elseif game.ServerStorage.Temperature.Value >= 1200 then script.Parent.Reader.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.427451, 0.0941176) script.Parent.Reader.Text = "WARNING: OVERHEATING" elseif game.ServerStorage.Temperature.Value >= 2000 then script.Parent.Reader.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0) script.Parent.Reader.Text = "DANGER: NEAR MELTDOWN" elseif game.ServerStorage.Temperature.Value <= -1200 then script.Parent.Reader.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.168627, 0.0235294, 1) script.Parent.Reader.Text = "FREZEING" elseif game.ServerStorage.Temperature.Value >= 2400 then --meltdown game.ServerStorage.Temperature.Value = game.ServerStorage.Temperature.Value + 325812435 script.Parent.Reader.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.0470588, 0.666667) script.Parent.Reader.Text = "MELTDOWN" print("Meltdown Initated") local Text = game.StarterGui.t.system local Note = game.StarterGui.t.Note Text.Visible = false wait(3) Text.Visible = true Text.Event.Text = "MELTDOWN" Text.InfText.Text = "Warning, core tempetures are significantly high. Please prepare for a meltdown." script.MeltdownIntroAnnouncement:Play() wait(9) Text.Visible = false script.CoreOverheatingSound:Play() workspace.Core.Main.Emitter.Enabled = true wait(3) script.Alarm:Play() script.Lights:Destroy() script.PowerFailureSound:Play() script.Supports.q.Anchored = false script.Supports.w.Anchored = false script.Supports.e.Anchored = false script.Supports.r.Anchored = false script.Supports.t.Anchored = false script.Supports.y.Anchored = false script.Supports.u.Anchored = false script.Supports.i.Anchored = false script.Supports.breakSound:Play() script.ExplosionFile1:Play() wait(8) script.bridge.fallsound:Play() script.bridge.floor.Anchored = false script.bridge.glass.Anchored = false script.Decetor.p1.Anchored = false script.Decetor.p2.Anchored = false script.Decetor.p3.Anchored = false wait(100) Text.Visible = true Text.Event.Text = "Shutdown" Text.InfText.Text = "Attention staff, the choice to shutdown the core will expire in 5 minutes." Text.InfText.Text = "This core will explode in 7 minutes." Text.Visible = false script.song:Play() wait(300) script.Self_Destruct:Play() Text.Visible = true Text.InfText.Text = "Shutdown has expired, Evacuate NOW!" wait(9.3) script.Self_Destruct:Pause() Text.Visible = false wait(120) local ColorCorrection = game.ReplicatedStorage.ColorCorrection:Clone() ColorCorrection.Parent = game.Lighting local Blur = game.ReplicatedStorage.Blur:Clone() Blur.Parent = game.Lighting script.CoreExplosion:Play() script.RoaringNuke:Play() script.Nuke.Transparency = "0" print("Core exploded") --nuke local tweenservice = game:GetService("TweenService") local part = script.Nuke local target = Vector3.new(1100.2, 1100.2, 1100.2) part.Size = Vector3.new(30, 30, 30) local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new( 20, -- Time the tween takes Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, -- EasingStyle Enum.EasingDirection.In, -- EasingDirection 0, -- How many times you want it to repeat false, -- Reverse 0.1 -- Delay ) local tween = tweenservice:Create(part, tweenInfo, {Size = target}) tween:Play() wait(30) for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v then v:Kick("Meltdown has caused the facility to be unstablized. Thank you for playing.") end end end wait(1) end
The client cannot access ServerStorage, I suggest you check on the server then FireAllClients() in order to change what's on a UI.