local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local mouse = player:GetMouse() local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera local char = player.Character local Torsoz = char:findFirstChild("Torso") local RA = char:findFirstChild("Right Arm") local LA = char:findFirstChild("Left Arm") local RL = char:findFirstChild("Right Leg") local LL = char:findFirstChild("Left Leg") local H = char:findFirstChild("Head") local Hu = char:findFirstChild("Humanoid") local RS = Torsoz:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder") local LS = Torsoz:findFirstChild("Left Shoulder") local RH = Torsoz:findFirstChild("Right Hip") local LH = Torsoz:findFirstChild("Left Hip") local N = Torsoz:findFirstChild("Neck") local NV = Vector3.new(0,0,0) local FOV = 70 local Shift, Space, Sitting = false,false,false local GravPoint = 0 local Diving = false local DivingCooldown = 0 local DivingDir = NV local DivingCF = CFrame.new(0,0,0) local DivingBG, DivingBV local HWallRunning = false local HWRGravDrop = false local HWRLastPart local HWRCooldown = 0 local HWRDir local VWallRunning = false local VWRLastPart local VWRCooldown = 0 local VWRLeft,VWRRight = false,false local Sliding = false local SlideCooldown = 0 local Standing = true local Action = "Standing" local animplus = true local animspeed = 0 local animangle = 0.01 local Joint1, Joint2, Joint3, Joint4, Joint5 for i, v in pairs(char:children()) do if (v.className == "LocalScript" and v.Name == "ParkourSkrip") or v.className == "NumberValue" or v.className == "BoolValue" or v.className == "Model" or v.Name == "Animate" then v:remove() end end local loadids = {112474909, 112474911, 112474909} local stamina = 99999 local maxstamina = 999999 local defsprint = 28 local sprint = defsprint local pause = Instance.new("BoolValue", char) pause.Name = "Pause" pause.Value = false local flow = Instance.new("NumberValue", char) flow.Name = "Flow" flow.Value = 0 local flowcooldown = 0 local m = Instance.new("Model", char) m.Name = "FlowChainPartz" local P = Instance.new("Part") P.Name = "TrailPart" P.formFactor = "Custom" P.Size = Vector3.new(0.2,0.2,0.2) P.Locked = true P.Anchored = true P.CanCollide = false P.TopSurface = 0 P.BottomSurface = 0 script.Name = "ParkourSkrip" local hue = 0 function HSV(H,S,V) H = H % 360 local C = V * S local H2 = H/60 local X = C * (1 - math.abs((H2 %2) -1)) local color = Color3.new(0,0,0) if H2 <= 0 then color = Color3.new(C,0,0) elseif 0 <= H2 and H2 <= 1 then color = Color3.new(C,X,0) elseif 1 <= H2 and H2 <= 2 then color = Color3.new(X,C,0) elseif 2 <= H2 and H2 <= 3 then color = Color3.new(0,C,X) elseif 3 <= H2 and H2 <= 4 then color = Color3.new(0,X,C) elseif 4 <= H2 and H2 <= 5 then color = Color3.new(X,0,C) elseif 5 <= H2 and H2 <= 6 then color = Color3.new(C,0,X) end local m = V - C return Color3.new(color.r + m, color.g + m, color.b + m) end function GetWeld(weld) if weld:findFirstChild("XAngle") == nil then local a = Instance.new("NumberValue", weld) a.Name = "XAngle" end if weld:findFirstChild("YAngle") == nil then local a = Instance.new("NumberValue", weld) a.Name = "YAngle" end if weld:findFirstChild("ZAngle") == nil then local a = Instance.new("NumberValue", weld) a.Name = "ZAngle" end return weld.C0.p, Vector3.new(weld.XAngle.Value, weld.YAngle.Value, weld.ZAngle.Value) end function SetWeld(weld, i, loops, origpos,origangle, nextpos,nextangle) if weld:findFirstChild("XAngle") == nil then local a = Instance.new("NumberValue", weld) a.Name = "XAngle" end if weld:findFirstChild("YAngle") == nil then local a = Instance.new("NumberValue", weld) a.Name = "YAngle" end if weld:findFirstChild("ZAngle") == nil then local a = Instance.new("NumberValue", weld) a.Name = "ZAngle" end local tox,toy,toz = 0,0,0 if origangle.x > nextangle.x then tox = -math.abs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) /loops*i else tox = math.abs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) /loops*i end if origangle.y > nextangle.y then toy = -math.abs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) /loops*i else toy = math.abs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) /loops*i end if origangle.z > nextangle.z then toz = -math.abs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) /loops*i else toz = math.abs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) /loops*i end local tox2,toy2,toz2 = 0,0,0 if origpos.x > nextpos.x then tox2 = -math.abs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) /loops*i else tox2 = math.abs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) /loops*i end if origpos.y > nextpos.y then toy2 = -math.abs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) /loops*i else toy2 = math.abs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) /loops*i end if origpos.z > nextpos.z then toz2 = -math.abs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) /loops*i else toz2 = math.abs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) /loops*i end weld.XAngle.Value = origangle.x + tox weld.YAngle.Value = origangle.y + toy weld.ZAngle.Value = origangle.z + toz weld.C0 = CFrame.new(origpos.x + tox2,origpos.y + toy2,origpos.z + toz2) * CFrame.Angles(origangle.x + tox,origangle.y + toy,origangle.z + toz) end function LoadTextures() local pls = game:service("ContentProvider") for i, v in pairs(loadids) do pls:Preload("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..v)
Have you checked the Output yet? Maybe the variables keep returning nil, because the player hasn't loaded in the server yet. Perhaps use a :WaitForChild()
method for the variable for any object (the player) or repeat wait(.5) until game.Players.LocalPlayer ~= nil
in line 1.