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Why can't I cast value to Object?

Asked by
OniiCh_n 410 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

I'm working on a quest system that I want to be as modular as possible. (I've somewhat succeeded in that) I've run into an error when I want to complete the quest. The end result is to get the client to change the text of a TextLabel upon completing a quest.


What I'm trying to do is FireClient inside of a ServerScript, but it's not letting me. I know there are other ways to get this done, but I kinda want to use RemoteObjects (just for the halibut)

Here's my code. The main problems are on:

Lines 48 on Server-side and Lines 60-62 on Client-side

The end result is to get the client to change the text of a TextLabel when a quest is completed.

Server-side code:

event.OnServerEvent:connect(function( ... )
    local tuple = { ... }
    local player = tuple[1]
    local pStats = RPGLib.getPlayerStats(player)
    local questID = pStats["QST"].Value
    local questIDs = {"testquest"}

    if tuple[4] == "Accept" then
        print("made it to accept")
        if questID == tuple[2] then
            if questID == questIDs[1] and tuple[3] == "Mobs" then
                print("made it to quest1")
                local questInfo = pStats["QINF"]

                local type = questInfo:FindFirstChild("Type")
                type.Value = "Mobs"

                local mobsObjective = questInfo:FindFirstChild("MobsObjective")
                mobsObjective.Value = 5

                local mobsCurrent = questInfo:FindFirstChild("MobsCurrent")         

                local mobsCompleted = questInfo:FindFirstChild("MobsCompleted")
                local activeQuest = pStats["AQST"]
                activeQuest.Value = true
                while activeQuest.Value == true and mobsCompleted.Value == false do
                    if mobsCurrent.Value == mobsObjective.Value then
                        mobsCompleted.Value = true
    elseif tuple[4] == "Complete" then
        print("made it to quest complete attempt")
        if questID == tuple[2] then
            local player = tuple[1]
            if questID == questIDs[1] and tuple[3] == "Mobs" then
                print("made it to 'complete quest1'")
                local questInfo = pStats["QINF"]
                local QuestConfig = {1, 1, player} --Order of values: Difficulty, Level
                RPGLib.giveQuestReward(player, QuestConfig)

                event:FireClient("Finished testquest", player)

                local type = questInfo:FindFirstChild("Type")
                type.Value = " "

                local mobsObjective = questInfo:FindFirstChild("MobsObjective")
                mobsObjective.Value = 0

                local mobsCurrent = questInfo:FindFirstChild("MobsCurrent")         
                mobsCurrent.Value = 0

                local mobsCompleted = questInfo:FindFirstChild("MobsCompleted")
                local activeQuest = pStats["AQST"]
                activeQuest.Value = false

                local newQuestId = pStats["QST"]
                newQuestId.Value = " "

Client-side code:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local replicatedstorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local event = replicatedstorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
local mouse = player:GetMouse()

local gui = script.Parent
local chatprompt = gui:WaitForChild("ChatPrompt")
local questwindow = gui:WaitForChild("QuestWindow")

local NPCpic = questwindow:WaitForChild("NPCpic")
local NPCname = questwindow:WaitForChild("NPCname")
local QuestDesc = questwindow:WaitForChild("QuestDesc")
local questId = questwindow:WaitForChild("QuestID")
local questType = questwindow:WaitForChild("QuestType")

local accept = questwindow:WaitForChild("Accept")

local activeQuestWindow = false
local activeChatPrompt = false

event.OnClientEvent:connect(function( ... )
    local tuple = { ... }
    if tuple[1] == "PromptChat" then
        if tuple[8] == player.Name then
            chatprompt.Visible = true
            activeChatPrompt = true
        if tuple[2] == "Quest" then
                local name = tuple[3]
                local picid = tuple[4]
                local desc = tuple[5]
                local questid = tuple[6]
                local questtype = tuple[7]
                if activeChatPrompt == true and string.lower(key) == "e" then
                    NPCname.Text = name
                    NPCpic.Image = "rbxassetid://" .. tostring(picid)
                    QuestDesc.Text = desc
                    questId.Value = questid
                    questType.Value = questtype

                    questwindow.Visible = true

                local desc = tuple[9]
                QuestDesc.Text = desc

    elseif tuple[1] == "CloseChatPrompt" then
        chatprompt.Visible = false
        activeChatPrompt = false
    elseif tuple[1] == "Finished testquest" and player.Name == tuple[2] then
        local desc = tuple[10]
        QuestDesc.Text = desc
What is the *exact* output you are getting? At first glance the bug isn't obvious. adark 5487 — 9y
Only output I'm getting is "Unable to cast value to Object" line 48* OniiCh_n 410 — 9y

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
9 years ago

According to the Wiki, the first parameter to FireClient is the player, and the remainder are the other arguments.

On line 48 of the server script, you call FireClient like this:

event:FireClient("Finished testquest", player)

This does not match the parameter order that FireClient expects. You need to pass player as the first parameter.

The error is referring to the fact that it cannot "cast" (meaning, "change types") the value "Finished testquest" into a ROBLOX object (a player).

Mmkay, thanks. I'll look into it :D OniiCh_n 410 — 9y

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