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Help! Railroad Crossing script not working?

Asked by
Maliux 0
10 years ago

Basically I made this script for my train crossing. Its like one of those electric boxes that the workers use to control it. The GUI giver works but the Scripts in the GUI don't work.

I will start you off with some code here. I got 4 buttons, I'm thinking I simply forgot something very easy. Help would be appreciated.

This is the one which turns the crossing signal on

2    game.Workspace.crossing1.state = true

This turns the crossing signal off

2    game.Workspace.crossing1.state = false

I also have 2 other buttons for disabling and enabling the crossing here is the first one. This enables the crossing.

2    game.Workspace.crossing1.state = false
3    game.Workspace.crossing1.Script.Disabled = false

And this one disables the crossing.

2    game.Workspace.crossing1.state = false
3    game.Workspace.crossing1.Script.Disabled = true

Thanks for the help :)

Also the this code is all in different scripts, not LOCAL. Maliux 0 — 10y

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

Canonically, names for objects should be PascalCase, so it's better practice to use Crossing1 over crossing1 (of course the actual name of the object must match this).

Don't enable and disable scripts to produce functionality. That's an awful, unclear, incorrect way to do it.

There is no property called state of anything. If you're using a BoolValue, you have to write to its Value** property.

The output would have warned you of the above error. Use the output. You'll make a bad programmer if your answer to debugging is shrugging instead of trying to figure things out.


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