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I have to size an GUI 1.2 on the y axis and position it -0.2 to fit full screen?

Asked by 3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

So I know that for a UI Frame to be a full screen it is 1,0,1,0 and the position is 0,0,0,0

But the problem is that if I did 1,0,1,0 and positioned it 0,0,0,0

There would be that little bar at the top, which would show

So I am asking for an solution what am I doing wrong

Am I right to size an GUI Frame 1.2 on the y axis of scale and then position it -0.2 on the y axis?

Or Is there something im missing here

I don't understand

I thought 1,0,1,0 was for the full screen

No, you got it all correct, the problem is the TopBar doesn't count as screen so your frame isn't going through the TopBar. But yea, use -0.2 on the Y axis and keep it at 1.2 y scale and it should be all fine. JB_SuperGamer 165 — 3y
You don't need any fancy positioning or sizing, fill the screen as normal and enable the IgnoreGuiInset field. Ziffixture 6913 — 3y

3 answers

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Answered by 3 years ago

You're not doing anything wrong. It's just that Roblox has a 36 (thirty-six) pixel inset which moves all ScreenGui downwards by the same amount.

If you just want to cover the topbar you can either set the IgnoreGuiInset property for a ScreenGui to false. Or you can set the position property to {0,0},{0,-36}. If you have any buttons there they won't be clickable.

If you want to also disable the topbar look here.

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Answered by
pwx 1581 Moderation Voter
3 years ago

What I like to use is AnchorPoint. Change the Vector2 to,.5) position dead middle for all screens.

Then I'd put the Y UDim2 on 1.2 just to be sure. Like so:

local Frame ='Frame')
Frame.Parent = UI -- obviously change this to the actual parent lol
Frame.Size =,0,1.2,0)
Frame.AnchorPoint =,.5)
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Answered by 3 years ago

Ok I am going to use my formula The Frame's size should be {1,0}{1.1,0} Then the Frame's position should be {0,0}{0,-35} You can use anchor point or not.

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