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Donation Board & Skip Button GUI (ProcessRecipt getting confused?)

Asked by
owenm00 22
3 years ago

Hello, I am currently making a Chart Obby.

I have added a "Skip GUI' to skip the stage - it fully works when the donation (Free Model) is deleted or not in the game. - Also it works when I disable the script inside it called "AssetLoader"

Now with the Donation Board this is a free model - The link to the model - Now I have tried different models and they all have the same problem

I need some help doing this. Also, I have a Donate GUI on the screen and I also want it to work for the board. But I am not too sure about that.

But if I can get the "Skip GUI" and the "Donation Board" to work properly that would be amazing!

Currently there is no errors in the output. The only problem is the ProcessRecipt getting confused with is this for the donation or is this for the Skip Stage owenm00 22 — 3y

1 answer

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Answered by 3 years ago

ProcessReceipt can only have one callback function, so it won't work if you set multiple callback function.

It can only be done once by one script in the server, so make sure that there is only one script that handles the ProcessReceipt.

There is an example from Roblox, you contain functions for each product in a table, and then when the player makes a purchase check if it is already granted, then run the function for the product in the table.

Make sure you have Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted when the purchase is successfully granted.

Okay, I have tried reading the article. I have done a few testing and I think I need to add a script or a line of code inside the Donation Board to see if the product that was bought was the donation ID or not. So how exactly would I do this? owenm00 22 — 3y
Oh also yes. I did notice inside the ServerScriptService there is a script for the SkipStage that handles the purchase for the Skip. But I noticed there wasn't one in the ServerScriptService for the Donation Board. Plus the code is sort of hard to understand. owenm00 22 — 3y

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