That's my script
local TimeValue = script.Parent.Parent.Values.Time local PlayersValue = script.Parent.Parent.Values.Players local BoatValue = script.Parent.Parent.Values.BoatReady while true do print("script starts working again!") repeat wait(1) until BoatValue.Value == true TimeValue.Value = 20 repeat TimeValue.Value = TimeValue.Value - 1 wait(1) until TimeValue.Value == 0 if PlayersValue.Value ~= 0 then BoatValue.Value = false repeat script.Parent.Transparency = script.Parent.Transparency + 0.01 wait(0.01) until script.Parent.Transparency == 1 wait(10) end print("the end of the script, it should actually work again") wait() end
It does everything without errors, warnings, or anything. It works fine, until the end. When it finishes, it doesn't repeat. How to fix this?
repeat script.Parent.Transparency = script.Parent.Transparency + 0.01 wait(0.01) until script.Parent.Transparency == 1
These lines have already been executed , try reverting the changes done by the script at the start of the while loop before adding the rest of the lines. let me know if the transparency gets reset because I do not see the line of code where the transparency gets reset