I am trying to make a cart move on its own, and I know it uses MoveTo, the Wiki post explains nothing.
while true do wait(math.random(1,4)) for i = -24.6, 29.2, 1 do cart = game.Workspace.Cart cart:MoveTo (10, 4, i) wait(0.001) end end
Did not see any errors, I would like an explanation on how to use MoveTo, and possibly how to fix this. All help is appreciated, thanks!
:MoveTo requires a Vector3 argument, you are giving three number arguments.
Example: game.Workspace.Model:MoveTo(Vector3.new(10, 4, i))
Also, if you're using a variable that you only need in one function/for do loop/etc. you can use local Name = Value
while true do wait(math.random(1,4)) for i = -24.6, 29.2, 1 do local cart = game.Workspace.Cart cart:MoveTo(Vector3.new(10, 4, i)) wait() -- default is the same. end end