I'm making a script that will move my characters arm in a ) shape for my attack
but it doesn't move the arm at all so I was wondering if someone could give me some cframe help
heres my script :
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local found = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) if found then print'character has loaded' else while not Player.Character do wait() end end local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local character = Player.Character local head = character:FindFirstChild("Head") local torso = character:FindFirstChild("Torso") local RightShoulder = torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder") Run = game:getService("RunService") Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if script.Wait.Value == false then if key == "f" then script.Wait.Value = true for i = 1, 2 do for i = 1, 12 do RightShoulder.C0 = RightShoulder.C0 *CFrame.Angles(1, 0, 0) RightShoulder.C0 = RightShoulder.C0 *CFrame.Angles(0, 1, 0) Run.Stepped:wait(0.01) end for i = 1, 12 do RightShoulder.C0 = RightShoulder.C0 *CFrame.Angles(1, 0, 0) RightShoulder.C0 = RightShoulder.C0 *CFrame.Angles(0, 1, 0) Run.Stepped:wait(0.005) end end for i = 1, 12 do RightShoulder.C0 = RightShoulder.C0 *CFrame.Angles(1, 0, 0) RightShoulder.C0 = RightShoulder.C0 *CFrame.Angles(0, 1, 0) Run.Stepped:wait(0.005) end game:getService("Chat"):Chat(Player.Character.Head, "FireBall!") wait(6) script.Wait.Value = false else print'waiting' end end end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if script.Wait.Value == false then if key == "v" then script.Wait.Value = true script.Wait.Value = false end end end)