Hi everyone, someone on the Scripting Helpers sub-forum on ROBLOX helped me with a card class script for my card game and this is what I have from modifying it so far:
cardTypes = { ["0"] = {0,0}, ["1"] = {1,0}, ["2"] = {2,0}, ["3"] = {3,0}, ["4"] = {0,1}, ["5"] = {1,1}, ["6"] = {2,1}, ["7"] = {3,1}, ["8"] = {0,2}, ["9"] = {1,2}, ["DrawTwo"] = {2,2}, ["Reverse"] = {3,2}, ["Skip"] = {4,0}, ["Wild"] = {0,0}, ["DrawFourWild"] = {1,0} } cardColours = { ["Red"] = "rbxassetid://184598259", ["Blue"] = "rbxassetid://184598232", ["Green"] = "rbxassetid://184598240", ["Yellow"] = "rbxassetid://184598224", ["Wild"] = "rbxassetid://184598210" } Card = {}; function Card:new() local nCard = {colour = "rbxassetid://184598259", offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, player = nil} self.__index = self return setmetatable(nCard, self); end; function Card:SetColour(Colour) Colour = Colour or "Red"; self.colour = cardColours[Colour] end function Card:SetType(Type) Type = tostring(Type) or "1" self.offsetX = (cardTypes[Type][1]*174) self.offsetY = (cardTypes[Type][2]*236) end function Card:SetPlayer(Plr) Plr = Plr or nil self.player = Plr end
I would like to know how I would insert the data from the Card:new() function into the Card table so I can use it for setting values when creating a hand for the player in a later part of the script. I was thinking of doing the following, but I'm not sure whether or not to put in self or nCard.
function Card:new() local nCard = {colour = "rbxassetid://184598259", offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, player = nil} self.__index = self table.insert(Card,self) return setmetatable(nCard, self); end;
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
You actually don't want to put nCard inside Card (by the way, self
inside your new
function is actually a reference to Card
When you call Card:new()
, you are given the playing card's table as a return value, which you can then put into a table for the Player's Hand. You don't want to mess with the Card table you've created.
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