I am awful at this scripting milaki so don't shout at me if I did it wrong like some people do. Please can I have help on how to do this? So everything and anything that is hit by an explosion gets Unanchored?
Instance.new("Explosion", script.Parent.Parent.Rotor.Rotor) Explosion:findFirstChild().Unanchor script.Parent.Parent.Rotor.Rotor.Explosion.BlastPressure = 1.79769e+308 script.Parent.Parent.Rotor.Rotor.Explosion.BlastRadius = 100 script.Parent.Parent.Rotor.Rotor.Explosion.Position = Vector3.new(-181.343, 65.794, -48.842) end
There is a convenient event of every explosion called hit. This is fired when the explosion hits a Part.
Instance.new("Explosion", script.Parent.Parent.Rotor.Rotor) Explosion.Hit:connect(function(part, distance) -- Hit event part.Anchored = false -- Unanchor hit part end) script.Parent.Parent.Rotor.Rotor.Explosion.BlastPressure = 1.79769e+308 script.Parent.Parent.Rotor.Rotor.Explosion.BlastRadius = 100 script.Parent.Parent.Rotor.Rotor.Explosion.Position = Vector3.new(-181.343, 65.794, -48.842)