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my material for my car taillights change doesnt work for some reason, can somebody help?

Asked by 4 years ago

this is the code i would like help TL is the model where i put the tailights for this car in TL1 is the one im currently trying to change (i will change rest later) Trail1 is when brakes are not currently being applied (or when your not pressing s) Trail2 is when brakes are being applied (or when you are pressing s)

01-- lines 25 and 43 dont work but the rest of this does
02-- keep in mind im trying to make an extension to this code so it wont make sence
03-- i think its material change written incorrectly
05local FE = workspace.FilteringEnabled
06local car = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Car.Value
07local handler = car:WaitForChild("Lights_FE")
10    script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.Brake.Changed:connect(function()
11        if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.Brake.Value ~= 1 and script.Parent.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then
12            if FE then
13                handler:FireServer("Trail1") --trails off
14            else
15            car.Body.Trails.a0.Enabled = false
View all 48 lines...
Line 45 is supposed to have neon and not "Material" Lord_F1re 1 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago

Ive found the problem actually, by reading the script i found that the material change only happens when filtering disabled is on, FE breaks this so i think i can fix the scripts now, no answer needed.

yeah so you need a remote event to use scripts in FE Lord_F1re 1 — 3y

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