I have made this script, it is meant to spawn an object where you left clicked, then remove the tool. It spawns the object, but does not move it to where the mouse was clicked, and does not remove the tool after you click.
function onDown(mouse) if mouse.Target ~= nil then local object = game.Lighting:FindFirstChild("Raid"):clone() object.Parent = game.Workspace object:MoveTo(Vector3.new(mouse.Hit.p.x,(mouse.Hit.p.y + (mouse.Target.Size.y/2) + 3),mouse.Hit.p.z)) wait(0.00001) script.Parent.Parent.Barrier:destroy() end end function onSes(mouse) mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() onDown(mouse) end) end script.Parent.Selected:connect(onSes)
16:38:31.289 - MoveTo is not a valid member of Part 16:38:31.291 - Script 'Players.Player.Backpack.Barrier.Script', Line 5 - global onDown 16:38:31.292 - Script 'Players.Player.Backpack.Barrier.Script', Line 12 16:38:31.293 - Stack End
It also does not work on online, any clue why? This has been frustrating me for hours, any help is appreciated
MoveTo is an method for Humanoids and Models. Parts don't have a MoveTo method.
Use Position instead, much easier.
function onDown(mouse) if mouse.Target ~= nil then local object = game.Lighting:FindFirstChild("Raid"):clone() object.Parent = game.Workspace object.Position = Vector3.new(mouse.Hit.p.x,(mouse.Hit.p.y + (mouse.Target.Size.y/2) + 3),mouse.Hit.p.z) wait(0.00001) --You don't really need these numbers in, but you can leave them in if you'd like. script.Parent.Parent.Barrier:destroy() end end function onSes(mouse) mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() onDown(mouse) end) end script.Parent.Selected:connect(onSes)