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How do I set the players names to seperate values? - SOLVED

Asked by 3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

I have a two-player game where I want to get their usernames as soon as they join in the game. I would do this by assigning each player's username to separate values (fx. "Value1" and "Value2"). Value1 would be the first player's username and Value2 for the second player's username. I can not wrap my brain around how to do this, I made this script print out the player's names individually. I just don't know how I would make them get in their own separate values.

for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
You can't change player's in-game usernames. TribotGamerGX 184 — 3y
I dont want to change the names of them, I want to get their names in two different values. purplxboi 2 — 3y

4 answers

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Answered by 3 years ago

Want to get the player's username? You can use tables.

local playersTable = {}

    table.insert(playersTable, player)

for _, v in pairs(playersTable) do
hm doesnt seem to work for me purplxboi 2 — 3y
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Answered by
To0_ny 141
3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

There is an event called PlayerAdded it is an event from game.Players another value that will be used is PlayerRemoving most things are explained in the script.

(the script will look more clean if you put it in roblox studio)


local players = game.Players
local valueParent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") -- change this to whatever you want the value's parent to be
local playerNumber = 0 -- number of players in the game

players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) -- when a player join the game
    if playerNumber == 0 then -- if there is zero players in the game
        playerNumber += 1 -- add one to the player counter if there is zero palyers
        local player1 ="StringValue", valueParent)-- creating a value for the first player to join also sets the parent of the value to the "valueParent"
        player1.Name = "Player"..playerNumber -- the value's name is player*number of players*
        player1.Value = plr.Name -- the value stored inside is the new joiner's name
    elseif playerNumber == 1  then -- if there is already a player in the game
        playerNumber += 1 -- adding one to the player counter
        local player2 ="StringValue", valueParent) -- creating a value for the second player to join
        player2.Name = "Player"..playerNumber -- the name will be player*number of player in game*
        player2.Value = plr.Name -- the value will be the new joiner's name

players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr)-- when a player leaves the game
    local children = valueParent:GetChildren()-- gets all the chidren of the player value's parents
    for i, child in pairs(children) do -- for every children of value Parent do
        if child:IsA("StringValue") then -- if the children is a string value then
            if child.Value == plr.Name then -- if the children's value is equle to the leaving player's name then
                child:Destroy() -- destroy their player value
                playerNumber -= 1 -- getting rid of one player counter

hope this helps :)

This apparently only creates one value in ReplicatedStorage named 'Player1' and with the value put as 'Player2' purplxboi 2 — 3y
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Answered by
Ziffixture 6913 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

As TribotGamerGX mentioned, you cannot change a Player's name due to it being a read-only attribute. You can store their names within a Table, however.

You can achieve this by creating a callback function that inserts their username into a Table upon the invocation of the PlayerAdded RBXScriptSignal (Event) of the Players Service. With that, we can hold our program until there are two active Clients in the Server. When that is so, you can use unpack() to store both elements into the variables Value1 & Value2:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local PlayerNames = {}

    table.insert(PlayerNames, Player.Name)

repeat wait() until #Players:GetPlayers() >= 2

local Value1, Value2 = unpack(PlayerNames)

print(Value1, Value2)
This prints out "Player2, nil" for me purplxboi 2 — 3y
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Answered by 3 years ago

I just solved this, thanks for the ones who posted answers :)

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