repeat wait() until game.Players:FindFirstChild("CurrentPlayer") local player = game.Players.CurrentPlayer print(player.Value) local chr function appear() cln = game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(""):Clone() cln.Parent = game.Workspace chr = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Value).Torso cln:MoveTo(chr.Position + chr.CFrame.lookVector*15) cln.Monster.WalkSpeed = 10 cln.Monster:MoveTo(chr.Position, chr) wait(1) cln.Monster.WalkSpeed = 0 end function disappear() cln:Destroy() end while wait(math.random(5,25)) do appear() wait(2) disappear() end
So I just created this script which should clone a monster from ServerStorage and put him in Workspace, this part works perfectly. The monster should then walk toward the player for a second and stop, this part doesn't work. The player variable is correct its value is the player's name... any suggestions?